Iconic birds of Colombia through
the artist’s lens
Let’s take a modern twist to birds of Colombia through the lense of local designer Vanesa Ortiz who in coloration with Icaro Birding creates beautiful pieces of art. This collection is inspired by the birds you can find in our flagship Epic Andes Birding Tour

Our awe-inspired Epic Andes Birding Tour takes you on a journey through Lowland Tropical Forests, Wetlands, High-Andean forests, and Paramo. We presently have *2 spots open* for our January 9-20 Tour and *1 spot* in shared accommodation for February 18 – March 1. Don’t miss a unique opportunity to go after 350 bird species including over 25 endemics, many choco-endemics, over 60 species of tanagers, and at least 40 species of hummingbirds.
You can add a Santa Marta Endemics Extension for $800 in total savings, a hotbed of endemism, and home to the highest concentration of continental range-restricted birds in the Americas!
‘Moments of Thruth’
– Ruby Topaz

“In nature we can have unique and memorable encounters that are both ethereal and worthy. These can be as simple and yet powerful as a bird resting on a hand”
Male Ruby Topaz has green-glossed dark brown upperparts. The crown and nape are glossy red, and the throat and breast are brilliant golden-orange. The rest of the underparts are brown, and the chestnut tail is tipped black. The male often looks very dark, until he turns and the brilliant colours flash in the sunlight.

‘Connected by a common passion’
– Multicolored Tanager, Golden Tanager y
Saffron-crowned Tanager

The Colombian land is biodiverse, fertile, home to majestic birds, and a source of happiness. Waking up to appreciate hundreds of birds is to oxygenate the heart with each new dawn. After all we have 1,982 species of birds and 20% of the birds in the world”
Multicolored Tanager The multicolored tanager is an endemic small-sized passerine bird approximately 12 cm (5 in.) long. Males have a yellow crown, face, mantle, and throat; chestnut and black ear coverts; bright green nape and wings; blue rump, breast, and belly; and a black patch in the center of the underparts. Females are duller and lack the yellow mantle and black patch on the underparts. Immature birds of both sexes resemble females, but are duller.
Golden Tenager Its plumage is overall golden-yellow with black to the back, wings, tail and ear-coverts. Some subspecies are partially/largely brown below.
Saffron-crowned Tanager Small tanager found in Andean subtropical zone. Mostly bluish-green with darker wings and streaked back. Head is mostly bright yellow or orange with small black mask, throat, and nape. Buffy undertail coverts and vent only visible at some angles. Sexes alike. A fairly common member of mixed flocks from around 1,200–2,400 m, in cloud forest and edges.

Present in the apparent disorder of nature, with structures and patterns of perfect proportions. Colombia is the ideal place to appreciate the harmony of nature and be amazed by the uniqueness of each bird”
Purplish-mantled Tanager reaches 15 cm in total length. Most of plumage purplish blue, becoming bluer on lower back, which can be seen with greenish tones when reflecting light. In contrast, the throat is bright yellow, the bill is whitish-gray, the snout is blackish, and the center of the belly is buff, turning chestnut towards the tail.

‘It looks like art but is Colombia’
– Crimson-rumped Toucanet

(Wonder) during your trips you will sharpen your senses, will have your eyes in the air, will wake up with a symphony of birds and colors that painted the sky. Come discover Colombia – an open heavenly canvas”
The crimson-rumped toucanet (Aulacorhynchus haematopygus) is a species of bird in the Ramphastidae family. It is found in humid Andean forests in Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Its plumage is overall green (often faintly tinged blue), except for a maroon-red rump and tail-tip. The bill is black and maroon with a white band at the base. It is about 35 cm (14 in) long.

Remember that we have availability on tours coming up this January and February. Other than that, plan to join us in the summer of 2023. We have standard available Tours on July 10-21 and August 14-25 and others upon request.