Breiner Tarazona
Hola! I am Breiner Tarazona. I started birding in 2017, thanks to nature talks at the University and bird walks organized by fellow students in my native Caribbean Coast. I started learning about the huge importance of the Santa Marta Mountains for endemic and range-restricted birds, and that’s where my bond with birds began. I started as a self-taught guide, and over time, I discovered that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I have received over 500 birding guests from all around the world, and what I like the most is seeing clients happy after observing what is “common” to us.
My favorite place is the San Lorenzo ridge and its marvelous sunrise, gazing at the snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. And my favorite bird is the endemic and hard-to-see Blue-billed Curassow.
Fun Fact: I just graduated as a professional in Tourism and Hospitality, blending my passion with my profession. I enjoy doing and guiding the 6-day hike up Paramo de Santa Marta in search for the elusive and endemic Blue-bearded Helmetcrest!